
Why Make a Donation to Abilities Movement?

Abilities Movement (AM) has been in the community for over 10 years helping people of all abilities access resources, opportunities, and organizations in their community through our adapted fitness/movement and adapted sports programming.

Areas of support that your donation will help fund:

Fitness kits and adapted equipment (This equipment helps individuals participate in physical activity opportunities)

  • Exercise ball, band, medicine ball, water bottle $40-$50/kit

Development and support of an Abilities Movement 5K running group

  • Help train and access running races throughout Monroe County
  • Adaptive Equipment to help individual participant in community 5ks

Scholarships and support to help develop independence at home and in the community

  • We offer scholarships for participants that cannot afford to access community-based programs. These opportunities provide scholarships for both Abilities Movement programs and other community recreation programs. Our goal is to help individuals be successful in their health and fitness efforts in any available program that will meet their needs.
  • Donated funds help reduce program costs by helping to cover rental and equipment fees for our adapted sports programs.
  • We try to help people be independent within their residential and community setting by helping them access resources to aid in that independence.  We have helped with purchasing accessible resources ( grab bars, ramps, healthy cooking supplies, etc.)

Mailing Address

7275 W. Main St. PO Box 44
Lima, NY 14485